Jan Leow's Press Blog

My Baby Center

This is my baby center personal homepage where I collect information and post a little baby blog about taking care of baby. Well as a proud father of a recent baby boy, there are many things to learn. It is after all a hands-on approach to looking after baby. Taking care of baby is not sorely the mother’s job; the modern father too is involved in raising good children. It isn’t an easy task and there is no clear cut black and white solution to good parenting skills.

Baby Stuffs

So take this as my little baby activity center where I share a bit of information that I learn about babies.

A fatherly figure is needed to complete the raising of children. It takes two to tango, the father and the mother. Granted the first nine months of child bearing, as a soon to be father, there was not much I could do but wait for the big day when the bundle of joy will come out into the world. Of course you could prepare yourself by reading up various information and articles about pregnancy and babies; by and large, you just mostly a spectator waiting to get into action once the time comes!

Now that the time has come to raise the baby child, this is where I kick into action. Time is a premium and I have to divide my time with the priority for taking care of baby and updating my websites, and doing my day job. So some good time management would certainly be required. Though I know my time management is less than perfect. Especially when it comes to update website information and articles to keep my website going, there are lots of distraction and many things to do. Keeping a to-do-list helps some to complete the various task.

Consider this section as my little baby center, where I post some notes and articles about baby stuffs. Hopefully it would be useful to you too if you happen to stumbleupon this section of my personal homepages.

And yes, congratulations for all you new fathers and mothers out there!

Pacifier and teething toy

My Baby Centre Post:
Jaundice in Newborns and Jaundice Treatment
Colic in Infants and Colic Cure
Jaundice in newborns and Jaundice Treatment
Trimming / Cutting Baby’s Fingernail
Baby Sleeping Requirement
Baby 3 months old
Baby 4 months old
Baby 5 months old
Baby 6 months old

Baby stuffs blogs
Baby centre blogs

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