Jan Leow's Press Blog

Bad month or just bad luck?

Was there something wrong this month or was it just my bad luck? The month of May feels like a month of people taking their sweet time to pay back their dues.

Company wise, there are a couple of customers delaying their payment. Personally wise, I have tenant that is now overdue in their rental arrear up to 2-1/2 months worth! And additionally, my AirKu water vending machine was not only broken in once, but twice. Must be the work of the same gang.

Though the vandals did not managed to get anything from the machine, the damage is really severe with the strongbox damage and it could not be open. In addition, the machine has become non-functional thus no income for me until it is fully fixed while I still have to pay rental. I think the cost of repairs will not make the collection worthwhile. The AirKu business is definitely not going well for me. I’ll have to think of something to get better returns.

Latex industry has been known for their poor payment. And the condom manufacturer up north in Kulim, Kedah is no different with very tight cash flows. I should have stopped the delivery until they are able to come up with the funds. Now their payment will become delayed and my regional office will be screaming for payment.

Robert Kiyosaki must have some kind of mechanism in mind for monetary collection when he says he could receive passive income regularly and on the positive cash flow position. Well, either I slipped on that idea or I just got lousy tenant who is now way, way behind in their rental arrears. Since I’m still servicing my mortgage loan and paying monthly service charges, the tenants are basically living in the condo at my expense! Really boils me up…

3 thoughts on “Bad month or just bad luck?”

  1. Meor Amir Amran

    Hai there, stumble into your website which mention on airku vending machine. I myself is a business owner since year 2006. Are u still with the business? Do contact me, would like to know how’s the rest of business owner is doing.. thank you.

  2. Hello Meor Amir Amran,

    I started out on 2006 also. Biz very bad, and have shifted three times. The recent caretaker didn’t want my machine, so looks like I have to shift it again. Collection really lousy and not able to cover even basic rental + 25% service charge. I hope the Airku company will give me back the capital guarantee later this year as they’ve promised when I signed the contract. Now I’m thinking where I can place the machine without being too inconvenient and also hazard from break in as well.

    How about your machine? Doing well?

    I think market is saturated, especially klang valley.


  3. Hi Jan.. my machine is not doing well too.. keep losing every month. now i really hope that they will keep their promise about the capital guarantee becoz i started to smell somethingg fishy about this business. Have u contact them lately. Went to the office in Damansara Perdana but they moved. Now i’m so worry…:-(

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