Jan Leow's Press Blog

On the road to recovery

I woke up this morning to the gentle sound of Casper’s morning meow at the door. Sounds good to hear his morning greeting, saying in the cat languange, “Rise and shine!”. Or perhaps it was, “open the door and give me a good pat on the head, then feed me!”.

Well, whatever, it still sounded good that his was on his way to recovery. After cleaning up myself first, I open the door to see good ol’ Casper waiting patiently. I’m sure he was pretty hungry as I lead him down to the kitchen. Sure enough the cat dish was empty. Filled it up with the new cat growth food pellet that I had to buy from the vet. still remembered the vet saying he was not pleased with Casper’s growth rate. Well, I hope Casper will grow well with this pellet. No more gourmet cat food for him for now, except maybe the weekends.

After he finished his nibble, it is time for his pacifier, which is me. Boy is he still such a baby! Placing a hand towel over my body to avoid his saliva soiling my shirt, I sat down on the sofa and dozed off while Casper happily suck to his heart content. What a baby! I wonder when he would grow out of this?

After this, it was time to go to work.

Good old Casper followed to the bedroom and wouldn’t leave. Well have to go or I’ll be late to work. Left him in the room while my wife was still sleeping soundly.

Guess, what? Received an SMS from my wife later, who was surprised when she woke up and saw Casper sleeping next to her! Ha, ha. Casper is just way too ‘sticky’ to people, always needing people’s company!

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