Jan Leow's Press Blog

Happy New Year 2008!

It’s been a blast on New Year’s Eve with many fireworks display to usher in Year 2008. Two nearby malls were competing with each other on the fireworks display with thumping sounds of fireworks exploding in the air and screeching missile like fireworks, it was truly a sight to behold. I liked the fireworks show from the Ikano/Curve, they were longer in duration and much more interesting.

The thunderous sound of explosion sounded like a battle going on around the neighbourhood causing a ruckus with upset dogs barking away. I’m sure many dogs and cats would wonder “what on earth is going on around..?”

Using my new Canon AS720IS camera in video mode, I captured about 5 minutes worth of exploding pyrotechnics. Stringing up the video, it came to about 200+MB, which was kinda problematic to upload to YouTube. The quick uploader could only handle 100MB, and the special YouTube uploader was, oh, sooo slooooow…!

It’s been a challenging year 2007. In retrospect, God has been good to me, but there were still trying situations. Much of the dirty baggage of the previous years would still be carried forward to year 2008 as I try to sort out them out. If God is willing, hopefully I will be able to clear them off this year. It may be a brand new year, but somehow the accounting style of balance-brought-forward seems to apply to life as well.

Some of last year’s resolution was fulfilled like the healing of my plantar fasciitis ailment, while others like a steady second source of supplemental income was not coming to fruition, in actual fact; it was becoming more unappealing and left me in much of a dilemma. Hopefully God could help to sort it out this year because it is now becoming burdensome.

Though I like Paul Arden’s book about taking risk and making mistakes and learning from it to achieve success; the toil of burden is really a pain in the a**. Oh, well. ‘The person who doesn’t make mistakes is unlikely to make anything’ seems to be reverberating in my being. I guess Paul knows what he was talking about having I suppose suffered much from taking risk and making mistakes and finally achieving something through it all; and mine is probably not any different though I would consider myself a newbie in terms of risk taking because now I have to deal with the baggage of mistakes and learning a hard and expensive lesson from it.

The future is unknown and therefore each step is taken with much trepidation. How the future unfolds only God knows, so I leave it in His wisdom and guiding hands. Though I wait, I still keep busy at doing things for the learning experience and hopefully one day there will be a breakthrough. Ah, that’s when the sweet taste of success that God promised shall be in my hands.

So, a Happy New Year to all and sundry as the new day dawns on us all!

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