Jan Leow's Press Blog

More text formatting video tutorial

Once you have mastered the basics of text formatting. Here some more advance features to make your own web site stand out. It requires tinkering with the attribute of the tags.

Each HTML tag has attributes which you could modify. Let’s take for example the Paragraph tag <P>, you can change the alignment to the right, eg <P align=”right”> or change the font color using the <font> tag, eg <font color=”red” >, etc.

However, nowadays, the use of HTML tag attribute is discourage, and now more in favour of using CSS to control the HTML elements. Still the tag attribute is a quick and easy way to format your HTML, and sometimes where CSS fails, you can resort back to tag elements.

There are still some HTML elements that are best left using tag attribute, especially for the image tag that has a link,

<a href=”xxx”> <img src=”image_example.jpg” border=”0″ > </a>

By using a border=”0″ attribute you have effectively removed the irritating border highlighting the image as a link.

Another useful one is the border=”0″ attribute for the <table> tag. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to use CSS you just couldn’t get rid of the table border and that’s where the use of tag attributes comes in. Actually even the uses of tables are frown upon and CSS should be used instead. But I find it much easier to get my alignment right using tables than CSS which sometimes causes section to run amok. Ok, so I may not be an expert coder, but so are many who just want to make their own web site for their own use in good work order and whichever technique does the job, and that would be just fine.

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