Life is indeed getting better. Ever since God helped in removing a tyrant boss from my life, things seem to move smoother. There can be nothing else but praises to God who has removed a mountain from my life. It is like going through what Job has experienced. A real test. Though mine is not as severe as Job’s, in some ways it mirrors his despair. Though I was miserable for two long years, it did strengthen me. “What does not kills you makes you stronger” as the saying goes.
I did throw a fair bit of caution to the wind. Became much bolder. Took risk that I would normally not take. There were consequences from the risk that I took. There was success and failure. I wouldn’t say the success was resounding, but I did aim high and got a partial success.
My failure was the water vending machine, because I needed to make some kind of stable income fast. But it looks like the market is saturated and it may well be on the decline stage of its product life cycle. Just too bad that I ended up on the declining stage. Regrets I have, just have to live with it.
If people are not careful, internet marketing may be on its declining stage too as more and more people jump into the bandwagon of trying to make huge profits from it.
Ah, the long tail of marketing. I have to find the niche where I can get a stable income. I’m sure it can be done, it is just hidden from my view.
But the urgency is not there right now as my current working life has become stable again, so I’ll just work on it slowly, but hopefully not too slowly.
With the coming National Achiever Congress 2007, I’m looking forward to attend this seminar. I attended last year’s seminar and I think it is really good. But to make life changing decision is not always easy. We are all resistant to change. But God also want us to grow, and He keeps prodding us along with challenges thrown in our way. He knows the evil one will never cease to trouble us, and we need to strengthen our faith. If only we can be as good as the apostles with miracles just happening left and right, but God looks into our hearts, and if our heart is not right, all those miracles has no meaning. Ultimately it is our obedience to God. If we are good in little things, we can be good in greater things too.
Yesterday, FGB meeting was interesting as Pastor from Kenya came to preach about the great commission. Yes, many of us are just sleeping, afraid to reach out the unsaved because of fearing rejection. It is like selling and cold calling, and many of us cannot take the rejection because it strikes us emotionally. Jesus said to not be troubled about it, because when they reject you, they reject Jesus and the salvation He offers.
We need to strengthen ourselves, and what my EAP course has taught, is that to never fear rejection if you ever want to achieve success. Never give up! Never, never, never! I think Winston Churchill quoted that.
Ask and it shall be given. I’m going to ask for free day off instead of having to take leave to attend NAC 2007. After all, it will also benefit the company if I can achieve greater success. Too bad I won’t be able to ask for compensation since I paid a lot for it.
Next is how to arrange for my visit to Singapore to attend the World Internet Summit? Strange with this Japanese people, they are such workaholic, and taking the never mix business with pleasure principal to the extreme, I can’t extend stay for holiday if traveling oversea on business trip, and likewise if I travel to Indonesia just before this summit, would I be able to re-route my flight to Singapore to attend this seminar too?
No need to attend all 4 days, some of the principals taught are pretty general, and sometimes the internet marketer hold back some vital information because they want to up-sell and make more money from the attendees. I already got caught once for buying something that seems to be good idea at that time, but I guess I just wasted my money for nothing because I couldn’t make full use of the service. Must be careful of their up-selling gimmick.
Too many events are too near each other, making it difficult to ask for leave. Perhaps I should pray, and ask God for favour so that my boss will show me favour too and allow me to take time off.
Dear God, I pray for Your wisdom and guidance, and for Your blessing and favour. It is by Your will that all things shall be done according to Your plan. You are in charge of everything and only we will need to yield to Your commands and all things will be made smooth and straight. In Jesus name. Amen!