Jan Leow's Press Blog

Off for a trip to Perth Australia

This was one trip that was almost naught. Malaysian Airlines in all its apparent cost cutting measure decided to cancel my returning flight. Since I managed to apply for 4 days leave, I now have to apply for a full week. But the problem was, boss was not very pleased about his staff taking a whole long week for vacation.

Some people tend to be workaholic, but that didn’t mean they should impose it on their staff as well. I am me, you are who you are, and nobody has the same preference. Besides I know where my duties lie and I can still access my office email using my Palm Centro’s Versa Mail to access the mail server provided of course there is EDGE/GPRS access in Perth, Australia. But this does seem to make me somewhat like a workaholic too? Some of my other colleague in the other branch would frown on doing work during their off time. For me, if there was a situation that requires remedy I would have a quick look at it. But other than that, the vacation would have my full attention.

Anyway, my leave was approved but that did left my colleagues weary about applying for long leave for a holiday vacation trip. I met a guy who was trying to recruit me to start a franchise business of some sort. I still couldn’t figure out what he was trying to propose to me and kept its detail intriguing. Well, will see what it is all about. At this moment I’m in no hurry to try out any new business start up yet.

One thing about last minute packing, there is always the risk of forgetting to pack something. Well let’s see, I brought sufficient clothing, toiletries, brought along my Canon EOS 30D DSLR, battery charger, enough compact flash cards to take pictures, passport, Aussie dollars, e-ticket and resort check in slip, Canon PwerShot A720IS for Lena to take her family shots, brought along the camera-TV cable for reviewing on the TV, chargers for my Palm Centro smart phones, Palm Tungsten T3, etc.. , phew… the list goes on and on. Yeah that’s how it goes for a supposedly relaxing trip.

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