I inadvertently switched on the On-Screen Keyboard when I resumed the Windows Vista PC from its sleep / hibernation mode. Somehow the sleep / hibernation mode disabled my Dell Vostro 200 USB keyboard whenever I resumed from it (this makes another minus point for using sleep / hibernation mode). I had to switch on the On-Screen Keyboard to key in my password to access my PC. However after enabling it, every time I start up my PC, the On-Screen Keyboard would start up too. How irritating. There is no settings on the On-Screen Keyboard to switch it off. The only way to do it was from the Ease of Access Center. Here’s how to go about.

From All Programs – Goto Accessories – Goto Ease of Access
Start the “Ease of Access Center”
Under the Explore All Settings
Click the “Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard”
Uncheck the “Use On-Screen Keyboard”
Click “Apply”
Go back
On the left pane labelled Task
Click on “Change Administrative Settings”
Check the “Apply all settings to the logon desktop”
Click “Apply”
Yep, that should do it.
It worked. Bless you!
I had even gone to the trouble of asking the question on “Yahoo Answers” with no luck. Your instructions have now been copied to a document and saved in my records, just in case I forget. Thank you.
Thank you so much. This thing was driving me nuts and your knowlege and willingness to share it is much appreciated.