Everybody love to travel, I do too. I’ve been to many travel destinations both local and abroad. It is not just about the places, but also to experience the life, the people culture, and to learn how different life can be in another country however briefly. Going for a holiday travel destination is limited by time and finances. Even going on a business trip overseas for work and meetings is also an experience though the time available is less, after all the priority is work first then if there is time to spare, you can then explore the area.

I have travelled to many travel destination places mostly for vacation with family. Some are easier to travel because of the closer proximity. While the distance lands are much harder because of financial and time restriction. Ah, to be like the National Geographic guys going on a field assignment, an overseas adventure travel, that would be most interesting. Live your life passions to the fullest, yes?
So which overseas adventure travel destinations do you want to go? All of them! Easier said than done. But don’t we all want to go to some travel destination somewhere sometime?