What have I been up to lately? Well for starters I got sick. Seriously, must be the running around all day long with suppliers, not drinking enough water and then later in the evening enjoying Japanese shabu-shabu with Kirin beer and Japanese Sake. And well, I got a bit of a sore throat and running nose now. May be a mild one, but the medicine made me drowsy. Oh well… one of those days.
Still with all the running around, I managed to clean up my homepage. Wrote up some articles for my travel destination website and of course trying to start up another web site about photography. Phew! Lots of writing to do. Already I see some visitors trickling in and one already left a comment on my site! Still got a lot more work to do before the site could become useful enough to draw the hoards. Yep, I'm using the SBI method. It sure works.
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