Jan Leow's Press Blog

Dare to fail?

Now I found out what was wrong with my new AirKu location. The old history has surfaced when I contacted Amazed Aims promo personnel to determine when is the best time to do a promotional launch. Make money quick? Not a chance here. It seems there was some heavy competition with some underhanded tactics by competitors. There were up to five vending machines placed there. Five! Crazy, no wonder the previous business owner quit. So did the rest. Now there is only one and I just moved in mine.

The takings are still not any better than Amazing Sign location. I would say it is just the same if not worse. And if I do a launch would there be a counter productive reaction from the competing machine owner? Aw shucks, I’m barely covering the rental cost and service maintenance cost. At the end of the month, just enough for some teh tarik and roti chanai meals. Not even covering any of my initial capital outlay.

I guess doing business has its upside and downside, but so far I’ve only seen downside. Perhaps I should be more careful in how I invest my capital for good proper returns. My target for my own simple business is fairly straight forward. To have an income that is almost equal to that of my current salary. Looks like I still have a long way to go to make that kind of money.

Ha! Dare to fail! I’m already failing…

Just received this in my inbox: “Don’t quit until you have nothing left.” I hope I don’t have to go to that extend where nothing is left. Another person quoted and said, “Why dare to fail? Do it right first time.”

Each has its own logic. But the second statement sounds like the person is too chicken to take the step forward and not ready to take risk. In some ways usually the bigger the risk, the greater the rewards. But for some of us who are risk adverse, it may be better to take baby risk at first to bolster our risk muscle. But without failure, a person’s ego can get to his head. Well, even with failure a person’s ego can still get to his head and start stepping on everyone’s tail. Too bad the loss wasn’t his own money, but company’s money, perhaps that’s why his ego was still bloated. But when you risk your own money, it can be a humbling experience. You need people’s help, and a humble approach can get you the help that is needed rather than a big headed, arrogant and egoistical approach. A soft voice turns away wrath; and that seems to work well.

Dare to fail? Yeah, hopefully not too much. Time to go!

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