Web sites are quite useful tools to help out in your work. Making one shouldn’t be too difficult. For the uninitiated, it is a complete a mystery to them. And that’s where the web designers charge an exorbitant fee for their services. And yes, it can get pretty technical if you want build a web site with all kinds of features and widgets. For the truly great looking sites out there, those are done by professionals and created by advertising houses whose clients has big budget for graphic design and marketing. For the rest of us, be it small businesses, home business, part-timers, and hobbyist, that kind of budget is definitely too heavy for our pockets.
So enter, stage left, Sitesell’s Site Build It! touted as the best solution for small business and home business people to market and promote their products and services; for home based publishers who would like to try their skills at article writing be it as a self-published travel writer, an infopreuner so to speak, and even hobbyist who might one day get some good side-income doing something they like to do.

I have been at it for a few years already. And I find their complete solution for hosting and running a web site successfully to be very good. One of the questions they throw at you is why create an outstanding website when no one could find your website? If your site cannot be found, you web site may as well don’t exist. Truly there are millions of web sites around the world. However some web sites are hardly worth noting. Some are just parked domains thus are just sitting there looking pretty with nothing much to do, while others are just a few pages just to give out some contact details and a brief explanation of what the web site was all about.
Of course we could never beat the big guys considering their fat size budget and deep coffers. However there is such a thing as the “long tail of marketing”. Better to be a big fish in a small pond then a small fish in a big pond. The long tail is where you can find your niche to start off your business or website. This is where you can find your 15 minutes of fame. Who knows? You might start a small loyal fan base on what you have to offer. Your intimate knowledge of your favourite subject matter in hand may well make you the “guru” in your field of knowledge.
Sure, Site Build It may cost more than other standard web hosting providers like BlueHost, however, they have a host of tools and support that sets them apart from other standard web hosting companies. They are not cheap to host a website, but once you find your web site growing and able to find a monetizing model, it is well worth the price paid. In addition the tools provided like the very important brainstorming tools for find the right keywords to promote your website, simple to use web design from the many templates available, simple to use web page building tools plus a host of automated process such as web page submission, etc. So that you will not need to fuss over the technical aspect of running a website, but instead concentrate on running a business to bring in the orders and deals to make your small business grow ever bigger!
Of course, it is easy to blow hot air and say, “Yeah, this guy was successful, that guy was successful, blah, blah…” You still need to put in your effort. This is where motivation and determination plus persistence to keep at it before you can get anything out from it. You will reap your rewards from what you put in. Once success comes strolling in, you have the satisfaction of knowing it was well worth the effort. You have put in the good fight and have come out tops. Yeah!
I could explain more, perhaps next time, but why not drop over to the Sitesell’s Site Build It! website to find out more and find out what it can do for you?
Until then, cheers!
PS: Every once in awhile, they have offers. So quickly pop over and see if there is an offer you could take advantage to kick start your online web business!